Visiting Faculty Fellow Partner
Deondra Rose is a partnering faculty member for Collie Fulford, Associate Professor of English Composition and Rhetoric at North Carolina Central University, who is a Humanities Unbounded Visiting Faculty Fellow at Duke for the 2019-20 Academic Year. Professor Rose is a scholar of higher education policy whose current research focuses on the role that Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) have played in American political development.
Professor Rose notes that "Professor Fulford’s project promises to make a powerful contribution to our understanding of higher education by enhancing our understanding of the experiences that adult students have at HBCUs. Professor Fulford and I look forward to developing innovative collaborations for extending the reach of our research within the academy and to the broader public. For example, as lawmakers grapple with questions about the value of higher education and as they consider the extent to which they will invest in HBCUs, we can develop resources like policy briefs, infographics, and other social media contributions that help to make the policy-relevant implications of our research legible to key decision makers and the broader public. We can also collaborate to produce forums for rich discourse on HBCUs, highlighting the community of scholars who are doing innovative research in the area and providing opportunities for these scholars to engage with policymakers and other interested audiences."