APSI Summer Book Club 2024: I Hotel

August 7, -
Speaker(s): Mariko Azuma (Art, Art History, & Visual Studies); Jaeyeon Yoo (Literature)
APSI's summer book club is back by popular demand. The final event in our three-book series is the award-winning I Hotel, by Karen Tei Yamashita. A 2010 National Book Award Finalist, 2010-2011 Asian/Pacific American Library Association (APALA) Book Award Winner in Adult Fiction, and 2010 California Book Award Winner, this "hip, multi-voiced fusion of prose, playwriting, graphic art, and philosophy spins an epic tale of America's struggle for civil rights" as seen from the perspective of residents of San Francisco's Chinatown.

The discussion will take place online, so members of our community near and far are welcome to join.

Be sure to register via Zoom (https://bit.ly/APSIsbc). Sign up for a single conversation, or register for the entire series at once.

Asian Pacific Studies Institute (APSI)

APSI Summer Book Club 2024: I Hotel


Asian Pacific Studies Institute (APSI)