Type: Lab
The Revaluing Care Lab organized a series of seminars that invited scholars to share works in progress, encouraging community engagement on topics centered around care. Presenters shared original, unpublished papers beforehand and two specialized commenters offer insights and reflections.
Huritanga: Towards Socio-Ecological Wellbeing-Led Urban Systems in an Era of Emergency
November 16, 2020
In a collaboration of Māori and Pākehā researchers, the National Science Challenge funded project Huritanga investigates wellbeing economies grounded in Indigenous frameworks in Aotearoa/New Zealand. In this project, Amanda Yates (Auckland University of Technology), Kelly Dombroski (University of Canterbury), and Rita Dionisio (University of Cantebury) seek to advance mauri ora as the basis of normative planning practice by utilizing (soft) infrastructures of care that can encourage change grounded in the land. Respondents Neera Singh (University of Toronto) and Wendy Harcourt (Erasmus University Rotterdam).
The Policy Impact of Women’s Political Voice: A Comparison of 26 Countries’ Care Policies
May 6, 2022
Anju Mary Paul, the lead author of the paper “The Policy Impact of Women’s Political Voice: A Comparison of 26 Countries’ Care Policies,” presented virtually in May 2022. Over the past several years, Professor Paul (Associate Professor of Sociology at Yale-NUS College) has developed the Global Care Policy Index to gauge how well countries uphold policies supporting paid and unpaid carework. Her paper for this seminar, coauthored with Jiang Haolie (Yale-NUS) and Cynthia Chen (National University of Singapore) examines whether women’s political representation affects policies supporting caregiving. Richard Itaman (Jesus College, Cambridge) and Joya Misra (UMass Amherst) led off commentary and discussion.